Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Android Evolution

My new Theme is:

Android Evolution! 
(for QVGA devices)

this theme is more customizable that others Android themes.
you can put your own shortcuts in the menu.
your own contacts.

in this version have 3 widgets.
Clock, weather and contacts.

to put your own shortcuts you can click on a empty cell in menu and select the program that you want to put.
and the same for contacts

some screenshots:


Install instruccions: 
Put the folder "_Android evolution" to main memory 
("[device memory]/_Android evolution") 

**on your device memory, no Storage card** 

and put "Android_evolution" to your themes folder.
("Program Files/Lakeridge/WisBar advance desktop/Themes/android evolution") and run it.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Android 2

New theme:

Android 2


Instructions for install English version:
Put the images (folder "_Android2") in 
" /Archivos de programa/Lakeridge/WisBar Advance Desktop/Themes / " in your device's memory.
And put the Theme (Android2 folder) on your Theme's folder.


Android Theme

This blog is to join all WAD2 skins that we could do.
My first theme is:


Instructions for install English version:
Put the images (folder "_Android") in " /Archivos de programa/Lakeridge/WisBar Advance Desktop/Themes / " in your device's memory.
And put the Theme folder on your Theme's folder.
The folder "Windows" is not necessary. but it contains fonts and hide the windows topbar.

Released:Android 1.2
Now, android shows if you have On the blueetooth or/and wifi.
New subMenu.
Download Spanish version (for Spanish PPC)
Download English version (for English PPC)